16, Nov 2021
7 Tips To Remain Healthy Marriage

Have you ever wondered how some couples even after being married for decades are still in love? While there are many factors that could be responsible for this, most people would agree that the one thing they have in common is a good relationship.

Here are some great ideas you can use to make sure your relationship doesn’t turn sour after years of commitment:

Be available for one another

There is a reason why couples who have been married for decades would still greet each other with kisses and hold hands whenever they go out together. They take the time to invest in one another even if it is just for a short moment. You can’t expect your partner to be available for you 24/7, but at least make yourself available when they need someone.

Be supportive of each other’s dreams

This does not only mean encouraging the person you are with to chase their career or academic dreams; it could also mean allowing your partner the space they need to be themselves. For instance, if your boyfriend likes playing video games and you would like him to spend more time with you, then that is something that can negatively affect your relationship. You should encourage him to follow his passion while providing the time he needs for himself.

Make your partner feel special

One of the reasons why couples would go for counseling is because they are having problems making their significant other feel wanted or worthy. You should not wait to be appreciated but rather make your partner feel important in your life. It could be something as easy as cooking dinner for them, complimenting them whenever they look nice, or letting them know how much you love them.

Make time for each other

When you are in a relationship, it is easy to become distracted by work or school and end up giving your partner the cold shoulder at home. However, this can be one of the leading causes of breakups among couples because they fail to make they’re significant others feel special. Make time every day to talk to your partner and listen to what they have to say, even if it is just for a few minutes.

Remember the little things

There is nothing sweeter than celebrating milestones with your significant other but don’t forget about the little things that can go a long way in strengthening your relationship. Letting your partner know that you still think they are as attractive as the day you met them and holding their hand for no other reason than just to be together could do a lot more than you think.

Explore new things together

Just because your relationship is going well does not mean it should stop growing. Each time you go out with your partner, try to do something different and exciting so that you can create a stronger bond between yourselves. For instance, if you have never been camping before then maybe this will be the perfect opportunity to do so.


Relationships are all about giving and take, but this does not mean that you should always end up compromising. While it is good to be understanding of your partner, there are some things that are worth fighting for. Have open communication with your significant other so that both of you will know when to compromise and when to stand your ground.


The one thing that can make or break a relationship is open communication between both parties. If there are some problems on the horizon then it is best to talk about them rather than ignore them because this could lead to bigger issues down the line.

For instance, if your partner refuses to communicate with you and always finds reasons not to be around you, then you should consider if this is something that you can continue to ignore. You do not need a happy person beside you, but rather someone who is willing to open up and express their concerns so that they can be resolved before it is too late. Last but not least, both of you should consider your mental health care by go for marriage therapy to remain your healthy marriage.
